Welcome to the HOST Parent Portal.
Submission of an application does not secure a slot in a program.
Tax Forms Directions-https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/cms/lib/FL50000635/Centricity/domain/2453/pdf/Portal_Tax_Form_Directions.pdf
If you already have an account, please enter your email address and password. Otherwise, select Register a New Account.
When you created your account, an email with instructions to verify your account was sent to email address you provided, please check your spam/junk mail folder.
If your account verification email has not arrived, please click on the resend button below.
An email with instructions to confirm your email address has been sent to the email address you provided. If an email doesn't arrive shortly, please check your spam/junk mail folder.
See Connecting your child at: https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/cms/lib/FL50000635/Centricity/domain/2453/pdf/2324%20HOST%20Portal%20Help.pdf
If you can't locate your child in "My Students" please try without the child's First and Last Name. Students are uplaoded nightly from the HCPS. Contact your child's school and check the student information is accurate. May take 24-48 hours when school changes take place or new students enroll.
**For a child to be eligible to enroll in the HOST Program he/she**
**Must be in grade K through 8 and actively enrolled in HillsboroughCounty Public Schools (HCPS)**
1. Please notify your child's HOST Program if you are withdrawing. Removing the student from your portal account will not withdraw your student.
2. If your portal account locks, please wait 30 minutes and try again.
3. Emergency Contacts changes must be changed at your child's HOST Program after the enrollment has been "Submitted"
4. You must be the "Primary" account holder to pay online. Only one account email per household/student
5. "Incomplete Enrollment Forms" will delete in 30 days.
6. Open Enrollment Application Status = "Completed" - Student is in Enrolled
If you have questions or experience issues, please feel free to contact the HOST administrative office @ 813-744-8941.
In order to access and register using the Parent Portal, you must read and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in our registration agreement.
Registration Agreement DocumentSee Connecting your child at: https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/cms/lib/FL50000635/Centricity/domain/2453/pdf/2324%20HOST%20Portal%20Help.pdf
If you can't locate your child in "My Students" please try without the child's First and Last Name. Students are uplaoded nightly from the HCPS. Contact your child's school and check the student information is accurate. May take 24-48 hours when school changes take place or new students enroll.
**For a child to be eligible to enroll in the HOST Program he/she**
**Must be in grade K through 8 and actively enrolled in HillsboroughCounty Public Schools (HCPS)**
1. Please notify your child's HOST Program if you are withdrawing. Removing the student from your portal account will not withdraw your student.
2. If your portal account locks, please wait 30 minutes and try again.
3. Emergency Contacts changes must be changed at your child's HOST Program after the enrollment has been "Submitted"
4. You must be the "Primary" account holder to pay online. Only one account email per household/student
5. "Incomplete Enrollment Forms" will delete in 30 days.
6. Open Enrollment Application Status = "Completed" - Student is in Enrolled
If you have questions or experience issues, please feel free to contact the HOST administrative office @ 813-744-8941.
See Connecting your child at: https://www.hillsboroughschools.org/cms/lib/FL50000635/Centricity/domain/2453/pdf/2324%20HOST%20Portal%20Help.pdf
If you can't locate your child in "My Students" please try without the child's First and Last Name. Students are uplaoded nightly from the HCPS. Contact your child's school and check the student information is accurate. May take 24-48 hours when school changes take place or new students enroll.
**For a child to be eligible to enroll in the HOST Program he/she**
**Must be in grade K through 8 and actively enrolled in HillsboroughCounty Public Schools (HCPS)**
1. Please notify your child's HOST Program if you are withdrawing. Removing the student from your portal account will not withdraw your student.
2. If your portal account locks, please wait 30 minutes and try again.
3. Emergency Contacts changes must be changed at your child's HOST Program after the enrollment has been "Submitted"
4. You must be the "Primary" account holder to pay online. Only one account email per household/student
5. "Incomplete Enrollment Forms" will delete in 30 days.
6. Open Enrollment Application Status = "Completed" - Student is in Enrolled
If you have questions or experience issues, please feel free to contact the HOST administrative office @ 813-744-8941.
The Email Address or Password entered is incorrect. You may close this window and try again or reset your password
On the fifth consecutive invalid login attempt, your account will be temporarily locked. If your account is temporarily locked, you will need to wait 15 minutes before attempting to login again.